Dis me taking inventory of all my toys after getting home from de groomer. You just nevfur know!
Dis me and my buddy Sage on my last day at Puppy Camp. Sage helped me learn some doggy manners while I was dere, and DEN we became buds! BOL!!
Dis me taking inventory of all my toys after getting home from de groomer. You just nevfur know!
Dis me and my buddy Sage on my last day at Puppy Camp. Sage helped me learn some doggy manners while I was dere, and DEN we became buds! BOL!!
Looky, I remembered Sunday Selfies on a Sunday! Or mommy did. Anywag, I hab some from my day camp--
...And some from de doggie playground where I live, playing Fetch wif my daddy--
Furst fings furst. I fink if you want to Follow my blog, you hab to go to a place called Bloglovin (https://www.bloglovin.com) and add my address dere (https://toffeetawk.blogspot.com/). It's free. Mommy follows a couple of blogs dere, like Meezer's Mews. Dat's all I know.
Now, I hab to apologize fur skipping last Sunday. It's my mommy's fault. But I hab news! I started puppy skool!
Dis me learning Leave It. Dat my daddy's hands. Dat Pinot de Frenchie and him daddy behind us. Pinot furry smart!Dis me learning Wait wif my daddy. I do good at skool! Not so much at home, BOL!!I also started Day Camp. I go in a van, two times a week. (A week is seven sleeps. Dat's all de toes on one paw, and free on anofur. I count one, and go to camp, den count two and go again, den count four and start ober.) Dere are lots of doggies at de camp, more dan I have toes. And not always de same ones. We have grass and fings to climb on, and we get treats and naps. I'm learning how to play nicely, and how not to be so shy.
It's lots of fun!! When I come home I nap and nap and dream about my day. Mommy and daddy like dat, BOL!!
If anyone can explain to me in English what the heck this means and what (if anything) I'm supposed to do, I'd really appreciate it!
Dis not from dis week, it from last week when mommy was too bizzy. 🙄
Anywag, we went on an adbenture in de car! It was so far, I napped on de way. When I woke up, we were in a whole different place, wif lots of grass and trees and what mommy called "grapevines." It smelled way different dan where we live. Dis me and daddy:
Dis me in de grass!
We went to different places so mommy and daddy could eat and shop, while I waited like a Good Boy.
It was nice and warm and we also did Walking, and some people stopped to let me sniff dem and tawk to mommy and daddy, and some I let pat my head.
Den we came home. I ride all by mywoof in the back seat now, like a Big Boy. It was a Big Day!
I'm in skool again at de doggie-food-and-toy store. Dis class called Brain Games. I hab two classmates. Koda is a border collie. He ...