Friday, August 27, 2021

Puppy Skool

 Dis me at puppy skool wif Grace de trainer and Craig de Frenchie--

Dere is anofur doggie in de class, Kona.  She furry big and furry black and furry barky, and she likes me a whole bunch.  Dat makes skool hard when she's dere, because we just wanna play.  When she isn't dere, we mostly just do skool.  We're learning Stay and Wait and Go To Bed and Heel and Walk Fast/Walk Slow and some other stuff.  Next week is Graduation!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Selfie on Sunday

I'm finally here on a Sunday to post selfies!  I bin busy--

We went back to de place where de wine doggies live.  It's warm up dere!  Dis me and daddy.

Dis our agility playground where I live.  My furst time dere!  What do I do, daddy?


                                                     Oh looky!  I can climb!!  


I got dis new toy from mommy's friend down de street.  I love her, and I love my new toy!!

                                          I mean, I REALLY love my new toy!! 

I also bin to see de vet two times.  I had goopy eyes, and I had a cough, and den sneezies. Now mommy giving me drops in my eyes, and pills inside ob treats.  I feel fine!

I also started Grade 2 puppy class.  We learn Wait and Heel and to pay attenshun to mommy and daddy instead of interesting stuff.  I'm okay at Wait and Heel.  😁

Monday, August 2, 2021

Back to Skool

I'm in skool again at de doggie-food-and-toy store.  Dis class called Brain Games.  I hab two classmates.  Koda is a border collie.  He ...